I have curated and co-curated a number of exhibitions. See below for a selection.


Spaces of Black Modernism: London 1919–39, TATE BRITAIN, 2014-2015

Spaces of Black Modernism: London 1919–39 explored the experiences and interactions of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds in London’s art world between the wars.

The display was curated by myself and Dr Caroline Bressey of University College London with Emma Chambers (Curator of Modern British Art) and Inga Fraser (Assistant Curator, Modern British Art) at Tate Britain.

The display was a collaboration between Tate Britain and the Equiano Centre at University College London and builds on research from the Arts & Humanities Research Council-funded project, Drawing Over the Colour Line.


A Fusion of Worlds: Ancient Egypt, African art and identity in modernist Britain, Petrie Museum, 2014

This exhibition was curated by myself and Dr. Debbie Challis and was the result of a joint initiative between The Equiano Centre, UCL Geography, and the Petrie Museum, UCL. The exhibition explored the ways in which modernist artists including Jacob Epstein, Edna Manley and Ronald Moody were inspired by Ancient Egypt.

The exhibition placed these artists’ reworking of Egyptian art in the context of their political, spiritual and gendered expressions of identity. 


Black Bloomsbury was curated by myself and Dr Caroline Bressey. Based on research carried out as part of our Arts and Humanities Research Council -funded project Drawing over the Colour Line: Geographies of art and cosmopolitan politics in London, 1919 – 1939, the exhibition explored and documented the black presence in Bloomsbury from 1918 to 1948. It highlighted the geographies of the Black Bloomsbury presence, and interwar politics, including anti-colonial and anti-racist activism.